Endorreic area: Lagoons of Osuna

Español Inglés Francés Alemán

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Endorreic Area: Lagoons of Osuna


Las Turquillas is located southest of Osuna territory, in the middle of Andalusia and where we can enjoy of one of the most natural values of the region, the Endorreic Complex Osuna-Lantejuela, which was declared Natural Reserved by Law 2/1989, 18 july, of inventoty of Natural Protected Sites of Andalusia. The Natural Resources Ordinance Plan of this Reserve, which also includes other Natural Reserve of the province, was approved by Decree 419/2000, 7 november (BOJA nº 9, 23/01/2001). This complex is included among the Sites of Community Importance proposed by Autonomous Region of Andalusia.

In this meadow, of high ecological value, we can find a great biodiversity that will surely satisfy all natural lovers and, specifically, for all fans of ornithology. In it  two different ecosystems shake hands, the meadow and the wetlands, unusual union causes that we can find a great variety of birds and an incalculable scenic beauty.

Within its limitations, we can find familiar lagoons as  Calderón Grande, La Huerta, La Hoya de la Turquilla, Calderón Chica and  la Ballestera.


The Lagoon of Calderón Chica

The high salinity that characterizes its waters constitues one of the most stricking values of the endorreic complex since it causes the colonization of highly specialized species, very restrincted distribution, as the aquatic macrophyte Althenia Orientalis. Lagoon with sparse vegetation, made up some isolated feet of "taraje" with some specimens of reeds, salicornia and other species adapted to high salinity conditions.

The Lagoon of La Ballestera

Also appear a highly degraded perilagunar vegetation, conserving reed zones and isolated feet of taraje.  Despite this, this lagoon has an exceptional importance due to the presence of two aquatic plants species, of the Althenia genus, of very limited distribution in Andalusia. Furthermore, it´s characterized for being one of the protected areas with the greatest ecological wealth and for its shallow waters.

The fauna importance of this complex consists in/ lies in the abundance of aquatic birs, as they are usually visited by numerous migrating aquatic birds, highlighting waterfowls that find resting and reproducting site in this area: blue whites, spoon ducks, whistling ducks, jars white, flamingos and, occasionally, geese.

Its centuries-old holm oaks form the ideal place for the laying of large birds of prey, such as the Red Kite, the Bonelli´s Eagle, the Marsh harrier, the Buzzard or the Ash-grey Eaglet. Birds that, certaninly, will offer us beautiful pictures and will make us fall in love with their spectacular flights.

Among all the actions carried out, we can outstanding the restoration of a significant and curious pillar, the building of 3 ornithological observatories, the installation of a picnic area, the reforestation with more than 3.000 plants and the census and study of these lagoons.

Our objective is to promote and disseminate the great wealth of birdlife that the town possesses, to provide an informative tool to ornithological tourim and attract people who are increasingly interested in nature.