Easter Wednesday

Español Inglés Francés Alemán

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Easter Wednesday


Cristo de la Misericordia

Brotherhood of Santísimo Cristo de la Misericordia, Nuestra Señora de la Piedad y San Juan Evangelista.

According to the history of the Brotherhood, one Holy Tuesday, as a result of a severe drought in 1723, the Christ of la Misericordia went on procession carried on shoulders of the “capellanes” and before sunset, the procession was back to the Colegiata (Collegiate Church).

The present name of the Brotherhood was adopted in 1928 and its rules were approved in 1929 being the Eldest Brother Mr. José Castro Maldonado. Formerly, the Penitential procession was made each Good Friday at 15:00 p.m., some years later this Brotherhood went on procession on Maundy Thursday evening and currently, it goes on procession every Holy Wednesday at midnight.

The carving of this Christ was ordered by the canon of the Collegiate Church, Mr. Diego de Ontiveros to the sculptor Juan de Mesa in 1623. It is made of cedar wood and it has an academic size.

This Brotherhood is also known as the “Silence Brotherhood” because the silence reigns during all the Penitential procession solemnly. Furthermore, by this reason, the “venia” (permission to make the procession) is requested in silence through written document.