Easter Monday

Español Inglés Francés Alemán

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Easter Monday


Ntro. Padre Jesús de la Humildad y Paciencia

The way of Cross of Nuestro Padre Jesús de la Humildad y Paciencia

According to oral tradition, this brotherhood was founded in 1602 by the “Esparteros guild”, popularly known as the brotherhood of “Los Pellejos”, since some of the brothers had a kind of leather boots which contained an unguent to heal the wounds that were made by the penitents.

In Osuna there were not processions in Easter Monday until the year 2000, when the brotherhood restored the primitive carving Nuestro Padre Jesús de la Humildad y Paciencia. This carving represents the image of Cristo alone and helpless seated in a natural stone from the Mount Calvary.

The iconographic origins of this procession are medieval and date from the 14th century. However the Cristo de la Humildad belongs to the 16th century.  During that period, one of the most famous artists of the German Reinassance, Alberto Durero used this theme on the cover of the collection of xylographs, entitled “Little Passion”.

Durero represents Christ with the hand resting on his cheek.

The brotherhood is comprised of three images: Nuestro Padre Jesús de la Humildad y Paciencia, by an unknown artist belonging to 16th century; Cristo atado a la columna, by Mr. Antonio Izquierdo Benegas from Seville between 1964 and 1965; and María Santísima de la Soledad belongs to 1840 which is attributed to Mr. Juan de Astorga and made up of cedar wood.

The first image that went on procession of this brotherhood was “El Cristo de la Humildad y Paciencia” until 1965 that they decided not to go on procession more due to its deterioration.  From that moment, the carving was preserved in the convent of Las Madres Carmelitas of Osuna remaining there until 1998, when the brotherhood decided its restoration.

In grateful recognition to Las Madres Carmelitas, the brotherhood transferred its primitive carving to the convent of San Pedro, where it is worshipped one week before Easter and from there, it goes on procession (Via Crucis) each Easter Monday. This Via Crucis passes through some streets of the neighbourhood.  As the carving of the Cristo de la Humildad was deteriorated they ordered to create a carving of the Cristo atado a la columna as a substitute. The starting point is the Covento Padres Carmelitas church.